Part number: STD 855941 855910 855923
LD 855930 855905 855917
Rated line pull: 2,722 kg / 6,000 lb 3,630 kg / 8,000 lb 4,535 kg / 10,000 lb
Gear radio: 28.0:1 33.6:1 41.5:1
Line speed(no load): (1st layer ) 70 mpm / 229.7 fpm 110 A 60 mpm / 197 fpm 110 A 48 mpm / 157.5 fpm 110 A
(5th layer ) 162 mpm / 531 fpm 110 A 136 mpm / 446 fpm 110 A 105 mpm / 344 fpm 110 A
Motor: 6,000 w / 8.0 hp 12V series wound x 2 pcs
Clutch (freespooling): Air free-spooling
Brake (outside the drum): Air brake system plus Ratchet brake
Winch construction: Aluminum die cast housings with steel drum
Drum size: STD 63.5 x 219 x 285 mm (2.5” x 8.6” x 11.2”)
LD 63.5 x 219 x 381 mm (2.5” x 8.6” x 15”)
Synthetic rope: 11 mm x 46 m (7/16” x 15’) w / Sling hook
Mounting bolt pattern: STD 330 mm x 114.3 mm (13” x 4.5”) / 360 mm x 114.3 mm (14.2” x 4.5”)
LD 426 mm x 114.3 mm (16.8” x 4.5”) / 456 mm x 114.3 mm (18” x 4.5”)
Air pressure: 120 psi (8.3 bar)
Battery lead: 1.8m (6’) 2/0 gauge


  • The winch is not intended to be used in any manner for the movement or lifting of personnel.
  • The rated line pull shown is based on the first layer of rope on the drum.
  • The synthetic rope winding on the drum shall remain 10 wraps from the drum.


  • Limited lifetime warranty for mechanical components and one(1) year warranty for electrical components from dates of purchase. Synthetic ropes are not included under warranty.

Performance Data

Line Pull and Rope Capacity

Gear ratio: 28.0:1 33.6:1 41.5:1 Total rope on the Drum,  m / ft
Layer of Rope Pull by Layer, kg / lb
1 st 2,722 / 6,000 3,630 / 8,000 4,535 / 10,000 5.8 / 19.0
2 nd 2,101 / 4,632 2,802 / 6,177 3,502 / 7,721 13.4 / 44.0
3 rd 1,711 / 3,772 2,282 / 5,031 2,852 / 6,288 22.7 / 74.5
4 th 1,443 / 3,181 1,925 / 4,244 2,405 / 5,302 33.6 / 110.2
5 th 1,248 / 2,751 1,664 / 3,669 2,080 / 4,586 46 / 151

Line Speed and Amp. Draw  ( 1 st layer of synthetic rope on the drum )

Line Pull Line Speed (12V)
Gear ratio: 28.0:1 33.6:1 41.5:1
kg / lb mpm / fpm Amp.Draw mpm / fpm Amp.Draw mpm / fpm Amp.Draw
No Load 70 / 229.7 110 60 / 197 110 48 / 157.5 110
910 / 2,000 17.5 / 57.4 414 14.8 / 48.6 350 13.5 / 44.3 414
1,810 / 4,000 9.7 / 31.8 715 8.6 / 28.2 663 8.2 / 26.9 520
2,720 / 6,000 4.8 / 15.7 1200 5.6 / 18.4 960 6.9 / 22.6 760
3,630 / 8,000     3.2 / 10.5 1200 4.6 / 15.1 950
4,535 / 10,000         2.8 / 9.2 1200

Dimension in mm/in


STD Drum:

  • Winch weight : 80 kg / 176.4 lb
  • Gross weight : 118 kg / 260.1 lb
  • Box dimension : 720 x 410 x 620 mm (28.3” x 16.1” x 24.4”)

LD Drum:

  • Winch weight : 86 kg / 189.6 lb
  • Gross weight : 128 kg / 282.2 lb
  • Box dimension : 790 x 410 x 620 mm (31.1” x 16.1” x 24.4”)


Standard Accessories

  • Synthetic rope 11 mm x 46 m (7/16” x 151’) w / sling hook.
  • Hawse fairlead.
  • 1.8 m (6’) 2/0 gauge battery lead

Option Accessories

  • Remote control w/5 m (17’) cord
  • Extra gear ratio kits